Do I get new plates or keep my 2003 Ohio bicentennial plates?
Whichever is easiest.
Entering the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, I had Harvey Pekar-level anxiety. But I lucked out; I was a plate transfer, not a new driver’s license, so I got to skip to the head of the line.
I had bought a Subaru Legacy and sold my Ford Fusion. Both cars are red, so nobody knows I have a new car. A disappointment. I wanted a blue car, but the Subaru Legacy doesn’t come in blue. I refuse to drive gray, silver, black or white. I miss the purple on the Plymouth Duster.
I was in and out of the BMV in 15 minutes. Can you beat that? I accidentally left one of my plates on the counter and a clerk ran out, yelled “sir” at me, and handed me the plate. I said to her, “At least I got you outside! Thanks.” It was 20 degrees and snowing. She said, “I don’t want to be outside.” The BMV. I miss Harvey Pekar.

Not my plate, btw.
Really? Did you buy a Sube? I leased a Legacy in 2016. Best car I ever owned. Recently made #1 in Consumer Reports. Mine IS Silver. I will talk to you about the difference between buying and leasing . That fusion of yours was a sharp looking car. My lease is up this July.
I’ve bought five Subarus and my offspring have bought a few more. Our dealer used to sell Triumphs and gave me a free used water pump 52 years ago for my TR-3 when I couldn’t afford a new one. His kindness made an impression on me and made some money for the dealer’s son who later took over the dealership.
I got new plates too. For years I had AHB1, but I asked the BMV clerk if just “AHB” was available. It was so I grabbed it. I figured that at my age it was one less thing to remember.
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