Maggies were linoleum salesmen/hustlers in Cleveland. “Maggie” is derived from Magnoleum, a flooring brand. Harvey Pekar wrote a comic strip about maggies in 1982. I didn’t hear the word maggies again until recently, when my cousin Danny Seiger expounded: “The maggies carried thick samples of linoleum that looked like Venetian marble. They sold nine-by-twelve sheets for fifteen dollars. Nobody had fifteen dollars back then, so the maggies took five bucks on installment, and came back with a roll of tissue-paper. They could carry it upstairs real easy. It weighed three pounds. The maggies laid the tissue-paper linoleum on your kitchen floor, collected the five bucks, and never came back.”
The maggies sold more than linoleum, Danny said. They sold ties at barbershops and socks at saloons. Each maggie had a territory and a product line.
I Googled “Maggies” after my cousin Danny left. Maggies, an Irish music group, popped up. Then I tried “Maggies + Pekar” . . .
Michigan State University Libraries,
Comic Art Collection.
“The Maggies: Oral History”/story by Harvey Pekar;
art by R. Crumb. 2 p. in American Splendor, no. 7 (1982).
I phoned Danny Seiger and read the Pekar story to him. I wanted to know if Turk’s deli — where the maggies hung out in Harvey’s comic — was the same place as Seiger’s deli. Danny said, “Turk’s was at One-hundred Seventeenth. We were at One-hundred Eighteenth.”
I said, “There were two delis right next to each other? How many delis were there in Cleveland?”
“There were seven on Kinsman, and twenty-eight in Cleveland in the 1930s,” Danny said.

Seiger’s, 1958, (with fire damage)
A version of this first appeared here 8/4/10.
Then there Stephen Foster’s “Maggie by My Side”; George Johnson’s and James Butterfield’s “When You and I Were Young, Maggie”; the Beatles’ “Maggie Mae”; and Rod Stewart’s “Maggie Mae” – all far more interesting, imho….
I have a memory or two of going to Itchy Seiger’s deli with my family…Probably at my mother’s urging to go see the cousins.
it was fun to see you this morning Bert. I enjoyed the Maggie story. Have a fun visit with your funk-star son Jack.
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