I’ve been into computers since the punch-card days. I can talk RAM and bytes, and byte me. But I won’t tech-talk here.
I had a baby-boomer friend who cried whenever he had computer problems. He would call me in tears. He literally would be rolling on the floor in pain. I was his fix-it guy. Sometimes it was just a matter of rebooting the computer.
In the 1970s I had a cellphone as big as a shoebox. I golfed a lot and schlepped that James Bond cellphone. Blew people’s minds. I worked for Motorola for a year. My kids call me for computer help.
Let me know if you have any problems.
[fake profile]
I couldn’t care less about the “fake” identification. I think you’re faking the “fake” and I’ll be calling you and suggest others do too! If you didn’t want to be bothered, Bert. you simply shouldn’t have bragged about all your expertise and years and years of experience! Please expect to hear from me soon, and I hope from others too. Thanks for posting. this.
I do remember punch cards when I was taking a computer course at CWRU in 1972. Using Newton’s method for solving the square root of 2. One card out of place and you were screwed.
check this out. The next step after punch cards was a keyboard and printer.;_ylt=AwrE19vOEwRiUvwAy5ppCWVH;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3BpdnM-?q=dec+computers&s_it=searchtabs&v_t=webmail-searchbox#id=24&*1hcu5PxyFqYmtVbsd6lFMg.jpeg&action=click
You probably should change careers and go into IT full time. Enough is enough with the music, already, and it’s time to awaken and then share a new passion. You certainly don’t need all the apartment “tzurus” and you already lost Irwin anyway….
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