Rob, a tenant, owed me $1872 for the water bill, which he hadn’t paid in seven months. He ran a bar in one of my buildings. I called, I wrote, I didn’t get paid. Rob knew my dad. Rob and I went way back.
I went to small claims on Rob. Did I have any choice? Rob got the letter from court, and called me: “The check is in the mail.”
“Don’t mail it, Rob!” I said. “Hand it to me.”
He laughed.
“What’s so funny, Rob? I’m not a bank. I don’t charge interest on the money you owe.”
“What about the security deposit you’ve had for 33 years?” Rob said. “What was it — $700? It’s probably worth a fortune now.”
Good point. (I didn’t pay interest to Rob on the security deposit.) Nevertheless, “Don’t mail it.”
“It’s in the mail.”
It was.
“Rob” is a pseudonym.
Lillian won a Small Claims court case in CH – the woman didn’t show up the second time – but she never got the money. She filed something at the Justice Center related to liens but that was about it. Too bad! I probably told you, but I filed a Small Claim against Montefiore, but settled out of court.
Hope Rob at least pays his rent on time and the checks don’t bounce.
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