Musicians probably get more ego satisfaction in one evening than most people do in a year.
When I don’t have a weekend gig, I drift around the house like a guy in rehab. Where are my cigs? My booze? Where’s my heroin? Do you want to see a movie? No, I want to make a movie. A concert? Man, I’d rather be playing.
Music is different than the more solitary arts, like writing and painting. When I’m on stage, the audience thinks I’ve got the answer.
Music is laying on of hands. You ever try laying on of hands one-on-one, like with writing and painting? It’s hard. The best way to do laying on of hands is in large crowds, like the evangelical preachers do.
Street festivals, family parties, concerts . . . all mass feel-good sessions. Humans like hubbub. Noise is life. Deaf people like music.
In writing and painting, you’re in the library. Shush.
There is no minor league for writers and painters unless you count academia.
There is a Triple A league for musicians. Beyonce can’t be in every concert hall, night club and private party at once. I’ve subbed for Beyonce.
Who spiked my heroin?
2 of 2 posts for 12/30/09
1 comment
I think what you say about writing and painting is true for the most part.
Although as a visual artist (painter), I have tried to get the accolades that I get when performing music.
If a painting of mine is hanging in a show, I like to hang out in the background and try to overhear the comments viewers make. Most people don’t say much, but every now and then I’ll hear a positive comment that is almost as good as getting audience applause.
But I agree with you in that it doesn’t measure up to the roar of the crowd after I sing “Romania.”
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