My father said job one was getting the rent checks in the bank.
He didn’t even trust the night drop. Had to wait in line.
The worst was when a money order got lost. It might take up to three months to get a replacement.
One time the bank lost 16 rent checks. I used the night drop, and the envelope wedged between the metal chute and the bank’s brick wall. Just got buried in there like a time capsule. I thought I was going nuts . . . Did I forget to make the deposit? Was the deposit in my car somewhere? At home I spent many hours looking through file cabinets and garbage cans for that deposit.
The bank found the deposit three months later, and I said to my tenants, “See, I’m not senile. It was the bank’s fault.” It’s rarely the bank’s fault, so I had to brag.
I wrote the bank manager about my predicament — my embarrassment telling 16 people I had lost their checks. I asked the bank to waive its service fees for a year. I wrote: “My late father, who started the business, began talking to me! . . . ‘You did what? You lost the money?'”
The bank didn’t waive the fees. They did, however, give me $110 to cover tenants’ tracer fees.
2 of 2 posts for 9/2/09
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